

It’s The Longest Night Watch.
I am Bearly Awake.
I have a Dream Stalker,
or maybe an Angel in Training.
It’s a Foxes Love,
but still Love Claimed.
Our Hearts of Jade
are Chasing Rabbits
into a Night Circus
run by a Pirate Princess.
Grave Measures are taken
So the Heart Can Dance.
Perhaps, I am Guilty by Association,
or my Dangerous Ways,
but, I still Have a Soul
and Someday I’ll be Redeemed,
so I’ll Revolt,
Because In Times of Violence
Foul is Fair.

My college library, in honor of poetry month, had a game of creating a poem from the titles of books. I wanted to take it step further, using only book titles from the published participants in nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month). It feels like a great way to spread the love and help out the authors in the community. Each book title has the link to their amazon pages where you can buy their books.

Spread the love, and enjoy a world beyond your own.

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